Girl Scout Cookies Available Now!

Our troop will be selling Cookies at SSKCA starting February 14th! Need a Valentine’s Day present – get a box or two of delicious cookies!

What are your faves? Thin Mints? Samoas? Tagalogs? We have them all – including this year’s new cookie!

If you can’t wait, you can also order online! Follow either of these links:

Troop 2832 Needs Your Help to Build A Library in Uganda with African Library Project!

Starting February 24th, Girl Scouts Troop 2832 will start collecting gently used and new books at St. Stans Academy. Please consider donating hard or soft cover books from PreK to 8th grade reading levels (NO holiday books, religious books, ONLY English). We need to collect 1000 books in total.

We are also raising money for shipping supplies and costs. We must raise $500. Please make checks payable to Girl Scouts.

We are working on this project to earn our Silver Award. Each girl has developed their own plan to raise awareness and collect books.

To learn more about African Library Project, please watch the introductory video in which Troop 2832 was asked to participate:

Our Media Journey Goals

We have been working on our Media Journey as Part of our work on our Silver Award.

We learned so much about the Media works and decided that one of the most important jobs of Media is to connect people. We have set up tools for our Troop to share our message with our Girl Scout Community and beyond.

You can find us here on our website which we learned how to put together.

And also on Instagram: @nycgirlscoutstroop2832

And Youtube here.